You may apply promotional codes, vouchers or gift cards as payment for eligible items on our website. Promo codes may be provided through our marketing channels or shared by our partner clubs. Each order permits the use of one promo code or voucher. Multiple gift cards can be combined within a single order. We email vouchers and gift cards directly to you or your selected recipient please ensure accurate entry of the email address, as Valour assumes no responsibility for errors or issues arising from incorrect addresses. Treat vouchers and gift cards as cash, as we cannot replace them in cases of loss, theft, or unauthorised use, including but not limited to email or account breaches.
Valour monitors the distribution and use of all vouchers and gift cards. In instances of misuse, fraud, or suspected illegal activity, Valour reserves the right to close or restrict account access and may require an alternative payment method. Gift cards may be blocked if notified by law enforcement as fraudulently obtained.
By shopping with us, you acknowledge and agree to Valour’s policy on refunds and price adjustments. Full-price purchases made before sales or promotions are not eligible for retrospective refunds if prices are later discounted. Refund eligibility for returns is determined case-by-case and requires items to be in the original condition and packaging, as per our Returns Policy.