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Valour’s Commitment to Ethical Manufacturing

Valour’s Commitment to Ethical Manufacturing

Valour’s production facility was built exclusively by the founders of Valour to meet the diverse demands of the Australian uniform market and is recognised under the Amfori Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI).

The Amfori BSCI initiative is a globally driven movement that aims to excel in the areas of social and business compliance. Our commitment to full transparency flows through the entire process of our supply chain ensuring that all levels of our operation, from fabric sourcing to production, set a high standard of excellence, whilst protecting the working conditions of our valued staff. It’s an independently audited, step-by-step approach for a better workplace.

Amfori Business Social Compliance

Amfori BSCI is a leading supply chain management system that supports members to drive social compliance and improvements within their global supply chains. BSCI members are provided with tools to carry out human rights due diligence – identifying and mitigating any risks in supply chains and supporting remedial action. Members adhere to a Code of Conduct based on internationally recognised principles, to respect human rights and address social issues in supply chains.

In countries where domestic laws and regulations are in conflict with, or set a different standard of protection than the Amfori BSCI Code of Conduct, members are required to abide by the principles that provide the highest protection to the workers and environment.

The Amfori BSCI Code of Conduct consists of 13 principles that cover multiple inter-connected performance areas. In summary, members commit to operating in accordance with these principles and are monitored via regular independent audits:

  • No use of child labour or bonded labour – no engagement in any form of forced, trafficked or non-voluntary labour.
  • Fair remuneration, reasonable working hours and no discrimination.
  • Ensuring workers are aware of their rights and responsibilities.
  • Complying with occupational health & safety regulations.
  • Protecting the environment and engaging in ethical business behaviour.

Along with the Codes of Conduct, the Valour facility adheres to the strict, high standards required to deliver industry-leading sports uniforms and sportswear and has produced millions of garments for clients all around Australia.

The Valour Difference

Partnering with Valour ensures consistent high-quality garments because we own the factory, fabrics, patterns, zippers and everything else you could possibly need to manufacture uniforms. We have complete control over quality, timelines and schedules, mitigating any unforeseen quality or delivery concerns.

In addition, Valour is passionate about reducing the impact on the environment. Valour’s alliance with ‘Keep Australia Beautiful’ saw the introduction of the first bio-degradable garment bag that has now become a signature of our supply. From the use of recycled materials in our packaging to the development of environmentally friendly fabrics, we are continually endorsing environmentally sustainable practices.

If fair and safe working conditions, as well as social and ethical sustainability are important to you, we strongly encourage you to ask your current uniform supplier what compliance measures exist within their supply chains.